Sunday, October 27, 2013

Prepositions of Time


Explanation 1: at, in on

Explanation 2: at, in, on, no preposition

Explanation 3: full list of expressions with prepositions of time

Explanation 4: at, on, in, during, for, since, until, from-to

Explanation 5: before, after, during, for

Explanation 6: advanced grammar with exercises

Explanation 7: very clear

Explanation 8: for, during, while


Exercise 1: fill in the gaps with AT-IN-ON or -

Exercise 2: fill in the gaps with AT-IN-ON or -

Exercise 3: choose AT-IN-ON or -

Exercise 4: choose BEFORE, AFTER, DURING, FOR

Exercise 5: choose the correct preposition (AT, IN, ON, UNTIL, no preposition)

Exercise 6: choose DURING, FOR, WHILE

Exercise 7: Choose FOR, WHILE, DURING

Exercise 8: choose FOR, WHILE, DURING

Exercise 9: different prepositions, three-option choice

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